Funny Student Quotes!

1. ‘‘As a student, the most comforting words you would ever hear are, "I haven't started either’’

2. ‘‘My brain has too many tabs open’’

3. ‘‘Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake’’ 

4. ‘‘The most exciting phrase to hear in school: Class is cancelled!’’

5. ‘‘I'm not procrastinating, I'm doing side quests" 

6. ‘‘That awkward moment when you finish your exam and the smart kid is still writing’’

 7. ‘‘Exams: the only time when I regret not paying attention in class’’

8. ‘‘If only studying was as easy as complaining about it’’

 9. ‘‘Exams: because who doesn't love multiple-choice anxiety’’ 

10. ‘‘That moment you realize you studied the wrong chapter for the exam’’

By Edith Chukwu (Inspiration Editor)