The Social Butterfly!
The Social Butterfly!
By Claudia O’Neill (Creative Editor)
Welcome to The Social Care Magazine!
‘The Social Butterfly’ is a student led social care magazine funded by N-Tutor that aims to inspire change within the social care profession. Our objectives are to make Social Care issues and education more accessible through informal and digital ways. This magazine encourages and enhances collaboration between students, staff and the wider social social care community. We use creative and innovative ways to share information and experiences about best practice in social care. We take charge of our own narratives as aspiring social care workers. Join us on the social care rollercoaster of change!
Views and opinions expressed in the Social Butterfly are the the contributor’s own and do not necessarily represent those of the Editors. While every effort is made to ensure content is accurate we welcome any comments, suggestions and/or corrections of errors.
Meet the Team!
Social Media Editor
Shauna Faith Kelly
Design Editor
Leah McHugh
Content Editor
Keicha Wall
Creative Editor
Claudia O’Neill
Inspiration Editor
Edith Chukwu
Culture Editor
Addy Blocksidge